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1- master student, The field of science and religion, Institute for research in Fundamental Studies, Shahid Beheshti university ,
2- PhD student, school of philosophy, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM)
Abstract:   (305 Views)
In the matter of "essential and accidental properties in religion", the meanings of essential and accidental have been confused a lo. This paper introduces an analytical approach to investigate this issue by separating different meanings and criteria of essential and accidental. The mentioned criteria are 1. modal, 2. meaning constituents, 3. universal genesis, 4. the range of people's communication, 5. the range of temporal communication, 6. intended per de, 7. the main goals, 8. irreplaceability, 9. semantic content, 10. stability, 11. originality. 12. center of religions, 13. commonalities of true religions, 14. the boundaries of religion, and 15. the need for commitment. After the necessary semantic separations, the correctness of dividing the components of religion into essential and accidental based on each of these criteria have been examined and a new formulation of the problem has been presented.
Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Philosophy of Religion (Analytical)
Received: 2023/08/21 | Accepted: 2024/01/13

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