Volume 1, Issue 2 (2021)                   jpt 2021, 1(2): 119-136 | Back to browse issues page

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Malakoutikhah Z, Safian M. The Gabriel Marcel on Inauthenticity; a Critical Study. jpt 2021; 1 (2) :119-136
URL: http://jpt.modares.ac.ir/article-34-45159-en.html
1- Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Literature, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran , zohremalakooti@yahoo.com
2- Philosophy Group. Faculty of Literature. Isfahan University. Isfahan. Iran, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Literature, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Abstract:   (3909 Views)
The notion of the characteristics of an ignoble human being in Gabriel Marcel's thought revolves around components such as establishing an "I - s/he" relationship with others, unpreparedness and unopenness in relations with others, and presence in the realm of "having." To that end, it will become clear that by establishing an "I-you" relationship, being present to other human beings in the realm of "being" becomes noble, but by examining Marcel's ideas it became clear that the dominance of science and technology over human beings paved the way for the formation of a mass society and further, it intensifies the functional view of human, and as a result all these factors, increases the intensity and speed of ignobility of contemporary mankind. In this study, which aimed to explain the factors of nobelity and ignobility from Gabriel Marcel's point of view, it became clear that he believes to emerge from unoriginality. a human being should be able to freely choose, to accept responsibility, to communicate with the secret and to have characteristics such as love, loyalty, faith and hope.
Full-Text [PDF 469 kb]   (4092 Downloads)    
Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Philosophy of Religion (Continental)
Received: 2020/08/12 | Accepted: 2021/02/10 | Published: 2022/02/8
* Corresponding Author Address: Isfahan / Parvin St. / Meraj St. / Zarrinkoob St. / Hekmat St. / 12 meter alley Sayad Shirazi / Matin dead end / End of the left alley with two doors left to the end / Postal code:8199200265

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