1- Philosophy of Religion, Faculty of Theology, College of Farabi, University of Tehran. Qom, Iran , barzegarTF@ut.ac.ir
2- Philosophy of Religion, Faculty of Theology, College of Farabi, University of Tehran. Qom, Iran
Abstract: (2442 Views)
In the philosophy of religion, Divine Agency has been related to how God does his action in the human world and the physical world. Polkinghorne has presented a particular method to answer this question. His theological approach has been a combination of Classical Theology and Process Theology. On the one hand, he has said that the God defined in Classical Theology is too unavailable, and on the other hand, he has criticized the Process approach to God. Polkinghorne has established that Epistemology is equal to Ontology, and based on this fact, he has explained his Critical Realism. In his view, the guaranty of reality is not to understand it but is its objectivity. Uncertain situations in Modern Physics presented in Einsteinian Relativity, Quantum Theory, and Chaos Theory is the main areas Polkinghorne has constructed his specific theory about Divine Agency on them.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Philosophy of Religion (Modern) Received: 2021/01/5 | Accepted: 2021/06/29 | Published: 2022/01/23
* Corresponding Author Address: Old Qom-Tehran Road, Group of Philosophy of Religion, Faculty of Theology, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran Postal code: 3718117469 |