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XML A Comparative Study of the Call of Conscience in Heidegger's Thought and Nature in Mulla Sadra's Philosophy
Vahid Rostami, Kokab Darabi *
XML Mīr Dāmād and the Formation of Shiʿi Philosophy: From Refining Avicennian Philosophy to the Theory of Perpetual Creation
Hossein Najafi *, Hamed Naji Esfahani
* Hossein Najafi, No. 4049, Dey Street, Azadegan residential complex, ZANJAN, IRAN. Postal Code: 4513763848
XML From Vagueness to Precision: Reinterpreting the Personal Unity of Existence in Light of Metaphysical grounding
Hojjat Imanikia *, Ahmad Nasiri Mahalati, Hojjat Hajinia
XML Di Bello on Smith's Solution to the Proof Paradoxes: A Correct Criticism?
Seyyed Mohammad Mahdi Etemadoleslami Bakhtiari, Mohammad Reza Hezareh *
XML A Re-reading of the Chapter 'On the Three Metamorphoses' from “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” with Emphasis on Comparing Its Passages with the New Testament
Alireza Fazeli *, Mohammad Maghouli
XML A Thomistic approach to the issue of "salvation as a natural evil"
Hasan Ahmadizade *
XML the problem of attributing quiddity to existence in Dawani’s theory and Ghiyāth al-Din and Ṣadr-al-Dīn Daštakī's objections to him
Ahmad Hosseini Sangchal *
XML Plantinga and Al-Ghazali: Compatibility of science and religious beliefs
Javad Zarvandi, Alinaghi Lezgi, Kasra Farsian *
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